Cancellation & Refund Policy

Welcome to invitaZ digital invitations by BlueBench Technologies. We specialize in delivering top-notch online digital invitation services catering to both individuals and event management companies. Our platform boasts industry-leading invitation designs and offers robust digital tools, including QR codes, for seamless online invitations. Our mission is to assist you in crafting unforgettable digital invitaions for your events, adding a wow factor and saving you time, money and any unnecessary hassle.


BlueBench Technologies may make changes to this policy from time to time. We will post changes here, so be sure to check back periodically. 


Cancellation & Refund Policy

We want you to be happy with invitaZ digital invitations service. If something's not right for you, email us and we'll try to make it right. Since we offer a free plan, BlueBench Technologies does not offer refunds for the invitaZ digital invitations service, including refunds for partially used terms.


Terms & Conditions

To learn more about the Terms & Conditions about usage of invitaZ digital invitations service, please visit our Terms & Conditions page. This Cancellation & Refund Policy is part of and is incorporated into our Terms & Conditions. By using the Site or Service, you agree to be bound by this Cancellation & Refund Policy and our Terms & Conditions.


Contact Us

If you have questions or comments about this Cancellation & Refund Policy, please contact us at: [email protected]


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